On Monday, 10th October around 20 people met up at CHL (Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg) in Luxembourg City to take part in our second institutional visitation. Vanessa Grandjean, founder of the Résilience Institut and in charge of the psychologists’ team of the CHL welcomed our student group in a conference room of the main building. Through a very informative presentation and an interactive conversation with the ALEP members she was able to give insight in the everyday life and the working areas of the different psychologists in the clinic. A total of 23 psychologists are employed in various areas, from neurology to paediatrics – they are practically needed in every service.
The spectrum of applied methods of treatment is also quite broad. Ms. Grandjean illustrated for example hypnosis and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocesssing), which are applied in many cases besides the traditional cognitive behavioural or psychoanalytical therapy techniques.
Since the field of expertise of the psychologists’ team responsible is in psycho-oncology, she could give an even deeper insight in this specific field of work and the challenges of a clinical psychologist.
In the end, the two-hour visitation was satisfactory to everybody and we, as the ALEP committee, want to thank everyone who came along.